Four essential details about Healthier SG

Singapore’s new preventive care strategy, Healthier SG, aims to empower family physicians to assist patients in taking responsibility for their own health. Insight examines both the advantages and unresolved inquiries associated with this massive healthcare transformation strategy.

In an effort to promote active lifestyles, Healthier SG four essential detail will bring an increase in resident activities.

A decisive transformation in Singapore’s healthcare system, Healthier SG prioritises preventive care to maintain the health of the population. Consider the following information regarding the strategy.

One resident paired with one GP
Residents may enrol with a single family physician who is well-versed in their conditions and can provide assistance with health management.

Initial consultation is provided at no cost.

Together with his physician, the resident will develop a health plan that includes adjustments to his lifestyle and routine checkups.

The government will pay general practitioners (GPs) an annual service fee per enrolled resident, with the amount varying according to the resident’s health risk profile and the level of treatment needed.

Screenings and vaccinations at no cost
Healthier SG provides free annual checkups and nationally recommended vaccinations, including flu injections, to residents. Free screening will be provided for the following diseases:

Diabetic type 2 diabetes

A summary of the most important news stories to begin your day

Hypertension, also referred to as elevated blood pressure,

Hyperlipidemia, also known as elevated cholesterol,

The cause of breast cancer

Cervical malignancy

The cause of colorectal cancer

Low-cost medications
In an effort to promote patient loyalty towards family physicians, the costs of medications at general practitioner clinics will be reduced to align with those offered at polyclinics.

To accomplish this, a new subsidy tier will be added to the Community Health Assist Scheme (Chas) for medications used to treat prevalent chronic diseases. Additionally, price caps on drugs will be established.

Patients who have specific chronic ailments will have the option to utilise MediSave as a means of covering the complete cost of their treatment, as opposed to being required to make a 15% co-payment.

Healthy activities, such as community gardening and Zumba classes, are anticipated to be more prevalent, facilitated by organisations such as the People’s Association and Sport Singapore.

Public infrastructure, including park connectors, sports facilities, and parks, will be improved to encourage active lifestyles.

The Healthy 365 application, which incentivizes users to engage in physical activities and purchase healthier food items in exchange for points, will be improved to incorporate calorie tracking capabilities. Points are redeemable at participating merchants for rewards and public transport vouchers.

The figures exceed $1 billion.
How much will Singapore invest in launching Healthier SG over the next three to four years?

400,000 million dollars
Annual expenditures on recurring expenses, such as health screenings for inhabitants, amount to what amount?

The quantity of general practitioner clinics in Singapore is 1,800.

Healthcare United Toa Payoh clinic is Healthier SG Ready and is helping to promote Healthier SG. Enroll Healthier SG with us today to enjoy free Healthplan, Vaccination, and Health screening

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